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3N Class

Welcome to your new class page.

Welcome back! We hope you had a fabulous Easter break.

We will be having another fun-filled half term where we will continue our work on Vikings. We will be starting a new English unit based on a book called Seen and Not Heard which features some mischevious children! We continue to prepare for our First Holy Communion and look forward to our retreat day this half term.

Meet your new teachers.

Further information about Key Stage 2 is available here.

PE is on Wednesday and Friday

Remember to send your child to school in their PE kit - Tracksuit and t-shirt.  Shorts can be brought to school and left in a bag on their coatpegs for use in gymnastics and dance lessons.
If your child is unable to take part in PE due to injury please write a note explaining the extent of the injury and which activities your child is unable to participate in so that we can find a suitable way of involving them in the lesson.
If your child needs to wear pumps for gymnastics or dance lessons, please send in a note marked for my attention.
Long hair should be tied back and earrings should be removed for PE, if they cannot be removed then they need to be covered with plasters or tape which you will need to provide.
Thank you for your support.




Curriculum Information

Year 3 Curriculum map 2023-24

Year 3 Maths LTP 2023-24

Summer 1 MT Plan 2023-24


Spelling Shed Information letter to parents


Learning at Home

We both encourage and expect children to continually learn, revise and practise a number of key skills regularly at home. These are:

Reading: we expect all children to be reading regularly at home – this needs to be recorded in the Reading Record. We recommend a minimum of 20 minutes per day.

Weekly spellings: we are using the Spelling Shed programme for our spellings; new  spellings will be available weekly with lots of brilliant activities and games to help you learn them.   

Times Tables: it is essential that children are able to recall all of their times table facts as quickly as possible. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button and https://www.timestables.co.uk/ are excellent websites with a range of activities; in addition to these, the children will be given a personal login in to https://ttrockstars.com/

Rapid Recall: all children will be working their way through mental arithmetic skills that will support their fluency and recall in mathematical concepts.

Key Stage 2 Homework Information provides more information on the above areas.


Some helpful sites for children to practise their maths skills in a fun and interactive way.




Some helpful sites to support children in literacy.
